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| 28th New York Infantry Regiment |
| Niagara Rifles; Scott Life Guard |
Event Photos from 2010 |
Click to enlarge the picture. |
| 2010 Season |
| Hill Haven Nursing Home, Webster, NY ~ February 28, 2010 |
| ![[28NY Members at the Home]](../images/TH/10Hill01TH.jpg) Members of the 28th NY at the Nursing Home | ![[28th & Lincoln]](../images/TH/10Hill02TH.jpg) Members of the 28th and Abe Lincoln |
| Lincoln, Made In America Exhibit, Canandaigua, NY ~ March 11, 2010 |
| ![[SUV, DUVCW & 28th]](../images/TH/10Lincoln01TH.jpg) SUV, DUVCW and 28th NY | ![[Marilyn]](../images/TH/10Lincoln02TH.jpg) Marilyn Dirk at the Closing Ceremonies |
| Fort Ontario Rally, Oswego, NY ~ March 14, 2010 |
| ![[Fort Ontario]](../images/TH/10Rally01TH.jpg) 28th NY Members at the Rally | ![[Reenactors]](../images/TH/10Rally03TH.jpg) Reenactors from various eras at the rally. | ![[Rally Speaker]](../images/TH/10Rally04TH.jpg) Speaking at the Rally Addressing the crowd | ![[Formed with 122nd NY]](../images/TH/10Rally05TH.jpg) 28th NY Formed battalion with the 122nd NY |
| 145th Anniversary of the Battle of Bentonville, Newton Grove, NC ~ March 19-21, 2010 |
| ![[Trenches]](../images/TH/10Benton01TH.jpg) Birney's Division in our trenches on Sunday | ![[Forming Company]](../images/TH/10Benton02TH.jpg) Birney's Division reforming company | ![[Marching]](../images/TH/10Benton03TH.jpg) Birney's and FVB marching to battle |
| Henry Wells - Medal of Honor Ceremony, Manchester, NY ~ April 17, 2010 |
| ![[28th NY and SUV]](../images/TH/10Manchester01TH.jpg) Members of the 28th NY and SUV | ![[Henry Wells Stone]](../images/TH/10Manchester02TH.jpg) Grave Marker Stone of Henry Wells | ![[Cemetery Marker]](../images/TH/10Manchester03TH.jpg) Historic New York Cemetery Marker |
| Old Mill Village, New Milford, Pa. ~ May 1-2, 2010 |
| ![[Wheat's Tigers]](../images/TH/10NewMilford01TH.jpg) Wheat's Tiger Zouaves on Saturday | ![[Union skirmishers]](../images/TH/10NewMilford02TH.jpg) Union Infantry deploying as skirmishers | ![[Tigers and Trees]](../images/TH/10NewMilford03TH.jpg) Tigers in the trees. |
| ![[Union Infantry]](../images/TH/10NewMilford04TH.jpg) Union Infantry form for battle on Saturday | ![[Union Picket]](../images/TH/10NewMilford05TH.jpg) Union Picket in the trees | ![[Deploying]](../images/TH/10NewMilford06TH.jpg) Second Platoon breaks onto the battlefield. |
| 146th Anniversary of the Battle of New Market, New Market, Va. ~ May 15-16, 2010 |
| ![[Union Battalion]](../images/TH/10NewMarket01TH.jpg) The Union Battalion before battle on Saturday | ![[VMI Advances]](../images/TH/10NewMarket02TH.jpg) The VMI Battalion Advances on Saturday |
| Fire On The Genesee, Letchworth State Park, NY ~ May 22-23, 2010 |
| ![[Union Company]](../images/TH/10Letch08TH.jpg) Union Company on Sunday | ![[Mist in the Gorge]](../images/TH/10Letch07TH.jpg) Mist Settled in the Gorge on Sunday | ![[Company Volley]](../images/TH/10Letch10TH.jpg) Company Volley After Sundays Battle. |
| ![[Behind the Breastworks]](../images/TH/10Letch12TH.jpg) Union Line Defending The Breastworks | ![[Sunday Sunrise]](../images/TH/10Letch09TH.jpg) Sunrise Through the Trees on Sunday | ![[Clearing the Wounded]](../images/TH/10Letch02TH.jpg) Clearing Reb Wounded On Sunday. |
| ![[Breastworks Defense]](../images/TH/10Letch11TH.jpg) Holding the Breastworks | ![[Sunday Coffee]](../images/TH/10Letch01TH.jpg) Sunday Morning Fire and Coffee | ![[Advancing on Sunday]](../images/TH/10Letch13TH.jpg) The Union Advances On Sunday. |
| Memorial Day Activities, NY ~ May 29-31, 2010 |
| ![[DUVCW @ Waterloo]](../images/TH/10Memor01TH.jpg) Waterloo, NY. DUVCW during the parade | ![[Marching at Newark]](../images/TH/10Memor03TH.jpg) 28th NY Marching in Newark, NY | ![[Parade Rest]](../images/TH/10Memor02TH.jpg) 28th NY at Parade Rest in Newark, NY. |
| Macedon Center, NY ~ June 5-6, 2010 |
| ![[Military Display]](../images/TH/10Maced01TH.jpg) Military and Campaign Display | ![[Abe]](../images/TH/10Maced02TH.jpg) Terry Darrow as Abraham Lincoln |
| Canisteo, NY ~ June 11-13, 2010 |
| ![[Taps on Sunday]](../images/TH/10Canist01TH.jpg) Union Victory at Sundays Battle | ![[Doc. Annabel]](../images/TH/10Canist03TH.jpg) Doctor of the 21st Ga. Treats the wounded. | ![[Union In Camp]](../images/TH/10Canist02TH.jpg) Union Infantry Waiting in Camp |
| Jamesville Beach State Park, Jamesville, NY ~ June 18-20, 2010 |
| ![[Shelter]](../images/TH/10Jamesv01TH.jpg) Shelter Tent and Campaign Gear | ![[Awaiting the Battle]](../images/TH/10Jamesv02TH.jpg) Men of the 28th NY Await the Battle | ![[28th NY]](../images/TH/10Jamesv03TH.jpg) The 28th NY At Jamesville Beach |
| March to Destiny, Shippensburg, Pa. ~ June 25-27, 2010 |
| ![[28th NY]](../images/TH/10Shippen01TH.jpg) 28th NY, 136th NY & 1st Pa. LA | ![[Arms Stack]](../images/TH/10Shippen02TH.jpg) Stacked Arms and at Rest | ![[Camp]](../images/TH/10Shippen03TH.jpg) Company Street of the 28th New York |
| 147th Anniversary of Gettysburg. Gettysburg, Pa. ~ July 2-5, 2010 |
| ![[Morning Coffee]](../images/TH/10Getty01TH.jpg) Morning Coffee With The 28th NY | ![[Company Street]](../images/TH/10Getty02TH.jpg) 28th New York Company Street |
| ![[Shade]](../images/TH/10Getty03TH.jpg) Making Use of The Shade | ![[1st Pa Art]](../images/TH/10Getty04TH.jpg) 1st Pa Art & Lt. Col Rohrbaugh |
| Sodus Living History, Sodus, NY. ~ July 2-4, 2010 |
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| Erie Canal Village, Rome, NY. ~ July 9-1, 2010 |
| ![[28th NY]](../images/TH/10Rome01TH.jpg) 28th New York Stacked Arms | ![[Camp]](../images/TH/10Rome02TH.jpg) Company Camp of the 28th NY |
| ![[Sentinel]](../images/TH/10Rome03TH.jpg) Pvt Barnes deployed on Picket duty | ![[12US&28NY]](../images/TH/10Rome04TH.jpg) Men of the 12th US and 28th NY |
| Genesee Country Village, Mumford, NY ~ July 17-18, 2010 |
| ![[Battalion]](../images/TH/10Mumfo01TH.jpg) Union Battalion Stacked Arms | ![[Stacked Arms]](../images/TH/10Mumfo02TH.jpg) 28th, 140th, 151st NY Stacked Arms | ![[Resting]](../images/TH/10Mumfo03TH.jpg) 28th NY Resting Between Battles |
| ![[Advancing]](../images/TH/10Mumfo04TH.jpg) 28th, 140th & 151st NY Advance on Sunday | ![[3rd Company Firing]](../images/TH/10Mumfo05TH.jpg) Third Company Firing On Sunday | ![[Reb Artillery]](../images/TH/10Mumfo06TH.jpg) Reb Artillery Obscured by Smoke |
| Harborfest at Fort Ontario, Oswego, NY ~ July 22-25, 2010 |
| ![[Wall Picket]](../images/TH/10Harbor01TH.jpg) Picket posted on the Wall | ![[Sunset]](../images/TH/10Harbor02TH.jpg) Friday night Sunset | ![[Civilians]](../images/TH/10Harbor03TH.jpg) Civilians of the 28th New York |
| ![[Gate Picket]](../images/TH/10Harbor04TH.jpg) Fort Ontario Gate Picket | ![[Civilian2]](../images/TH/10Harbor05TH.jpg) Furniture in the Officers Quarters | ![[Marching]](../images/TH/10Harbor06TH.jpg) 28th NY Marching During Drill |
| Hamlin Beach State Park, Hamlin, NY ~ August 20-22, 2010 |
| ![[28th Camp]](../images/TH/10Hamlin03TH.jpg) Camp of the 28th NY | ![[Battle]](../images/TH/10Hamlin01TH.jpg) Union Infantry form At Breastworks | ![[Signals]](../images/TH/10Hamlin04TH.jpg) US Signal Corps At Hamlin |
| ![[Line]](../images/TH/10Hamlin02TH.jpg) Union reinforcements Take the field | ![[Forming]](../images/TH/10Hamlin05TH.jpg) Forming Company On Saturday |
| "Return to Manassas", Elizabethtown, Pa ~ August 26-29, 2010 |
| ![[AotO Camp]](../images/TH/10RTM01TH.jpg) Army of the Ohio Camp | ![[Color Sgt]](../images/TH/10RTM02TH.jpg) Color Sgt. Taylor 55th Ohio, RTM | ![[Mike]](../images/TH/10RTM03TH.jpg) Pvt. Barnes, 55th Ohio, RTM |
| Sylvan Beach, NY ~ September 3-5, 2010 |
| ![[FOW]](../images/TH/10Sylvan01TH.jpg) 28th NY Fog of War | ![[Captain Tent]](../images/TH/10Sylvan02TH.jpg) Capt. Taylor's Camp Setup |
| Angelica, NY ~ September 17-19, 2010 |
| ![[28th Firing]](../images/TH/10Angelica03TH.jpg) 28th NY Firing During Street Fight | ![[9th NY Cav]](../images/TH/10Angelica01TH.jpg) 9th New York Cavalry | ![[21st Ga. Band]](../images/TH/10Angelica02TH.jpg) Musicians of the 21st Ga. |
| ![[Double Quick]](../images/TH/10Angelica04TH.jpg) 28th NY Double Quick into the fight | ![[Parade1]](../images/TH/10Angelica05TH.jpg) Marching in Sundays Parade (1) | ![[Marching]](../images/TH/10Angelica06TH.jpg) Marching in Sundays Parade (2) |
| Old Mill Village, New Milford, Pa ~ October 2-3, 2010 |
| ![[Medical Scenario]](../images/TH/10OMV11TH.jpg) Wounded Union During Medical Scenario | ![[Dead Brogans]](../images/TH/10OMV12TH.jpg) A very worn in Pair of Brogans |
| Cedar Creek, Middletown, Va. ~ October 15-17, 2010 |
| ![[Reb Formation]](../images/TH/10Cedar02TH.jpg) Confederate Forming on Saturday | ![[Friday Storm]](../images/TH/10Cedar01TH.jpg) Friday Evening Storm Clouds | ![[Confederates Advance]](../images/TH/10Cedar03TH.jpg) Confederates Advance Into Battle |
| ![[Brandon & Eugene]](../images/TH/10Cedar04TH.jpg) Brandon Chaney & Gene McCann | ![[28NYVI, 136NYVI, 1PaLA]](../images/TH/10Cedar05TH.jpg) 28th NY Inf., 136th NY Inf & 1st Pa. LA |
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