Nav: Home > Images of the 28th New York > 2008 Season Pictures |
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| 28th New York Infantry Regiment |
| Niagara Rifles; Scott Life Guard |
Event Photos from 2008 |
| Visit to the Veterans Home, Batavia, NY ~ March 15, 2008 |
![[Blankets]](../images/TH/08Veteran01TH.jpg) The Blanket Bingo Prizes | ![[Allie Handing out the Teddy Bears]](../images/TH/08Veteran02TH.jpg) Allie handing out the Teddy Bears | ![[The girls with one of the Vets]](../images/TH/08Veteran03TH.jpg) The girls with one of the Veterans |
| Civil War Seminar, Allegany State Park, NY ~ April 4-6, 2008 |
![[Setting up for saturday]](../images/TH/08Seminar02TH.jpg) Setting up for the Saturday Afternoon Session | ![[Camp Alleghany Building]](../images/TH/08Seminar01TH.jpg) One of the Camp Alleghany Buildings which were used. | ![[Saturday Afternoon Session]](../images/TH/08Seminar03TH.jpg) Authenticity Session on Saturday Afternoon |
![[Reb Firepit]](../images/TH/08Seminar04TH.jpg) Confederate Cavalry at the Fire Circle |
| Spring Drill, Fort Ontario, Oswego, NY ~ April 18-20, 2008 |
![[Bayonet Drill]](../images/TH/08Drill01TH.jpg) Bayonet Drill | ![[Stacked Arms]](../images/TH/08Drill02TH.jpg) Stacked Arms | ![[Fort Building]](../images/TH/08Drill03TH.jpg) Fort Building |
![[Company Drill]](../images/TH/08Drill04TH.jpg) Formed for Drill | ![[12th US Band Members]](../images/TH/08Drill05TH.jpg) 12th US Band Members | ![[Forming for Parade]](../images/TH/08Drill06TH.jpg) Company Parade |
![[Camp Chefs]](../images/TH/08Drill09TH.jpg) Camp Chef | ![[Gate Picket Duty]](../images/TH/08Drill07TH.jpg) Gate Picket | ![[Picket on the Wall]](../images/TH/08Drill08TH.jpg) Wall Picket |
| Ben Newton Civil War Memorial Weekend, Elmira, NY ~ May 2-4, 2008 |
![[In Camp]](../images/TH/08Elmira08TH.jpg) Relaxing before the battle | ![[Stacked Arms]](../images/TH/08Elmira07TH.jpg) Stacked arms in camp | ![[Sunday Morning Fog]](../images/TH/08Elmira04TH.jpg) A foggy Sunday Morning |
![[Fighting through the woods]](../images/TH/08Elmira10TH.jpg) Infantry and Artillery through the woods | ![[1st Company]](../images/TH/08Elmira02TH.jpg) 28th New York on the right of the line | ![[Prisoner Guard]](../images/TH/08Elmira06TH.jpg) Escorting the Prisoner after Sundays battle |
![[Forming Company]](../images/TH/08Elmira01TH.jpg) Forming before Sundays battle | ![[Marching back to camp]](../images/TH/08Elmira09TH.jpg) Marching back to camp after the battle | ![[28NY, 136NY & 149PA]](../images/TH/08Elmira03TH.jpg) 28th NY, 136th NY & 149th Pa |
| Fire On The Genesee, Letchworth State Park, NY ~ May 16-18, 2008 |
![[Formed Company]](../images/TH/08Letchworth02TH.jpg) 28NY Forming Company with 136NY, 149PA and 49NY | ![[Infantry Marching]](../images/TH/08Letchworth06TH.jpg) Infantry Marching from the Battlefield | ![[Union Line]](../images/TH/08Letchworth01TH.jpg) Union Line Through the Fog Of War |
![[Firing Demonstration]](../images/TH/08Letchworth04TH.jpg) Firing Demonstration | ![[Saturday Dance]](../images/TH/08Letchworth09TH.jpg) Saturday Dance | ![[2nd Company]](../images/TH/08Letchworth05TH.jpg) 2nd Company |
![[Waiting in the rain]](../images/TH/08Letchworth03TH.jpg) Sunday Rain before the Battle | ![[Sunday Rain]](../images/TH/08Letchworth07TH.jpg) Waiting for the battle | ![[1st Company through the FOW]](../images/TH/08Letchworth08TH.jpg) 1st Company through the Fog Of War |
| Memorial Day Parade, Newark, NY ~ May 25, 2008 |
![[Memorial Day Parade]](../images/TH/08Newark02TH.jpg) Memorial Day Parade | ![[Capt Darrow]](../images/TH/08Newark04TH.jpg) Capt. Darrow | ![[Military Line Marching]](../images/TH/08Newark03TH.jpg) Military Line Marching |
![[Present Arms]](../images/TH/08Newark01TH.jpg) Present Arms | ![[Corp Miller]](../images/TH/08Newark09TH.jpg) Corp. Miller | ![[Clearing Weapons]](../images/TH/08Newark06TH.jpg) Clearing Weapons |
| Memorial Day at Holy Sepulchre, Rochester, NY ~ May 26, 2008 |
| Memorial Day Parade, Marion, NY ~ May 26, 2008 |
| Memorial Day Ceremony, Nunda, NY ~ May 31, 2008 |
![[Marion Memorial Day Parade]](../images/TH/08Marion02TH.jpg) 28th NY during Marion Parade | ![[GAR Monument at Holy Sepulchre]](../images/TH/08Memorial02TH.jpg) GAR Monument at Holy Sepulchre | ![[28th NY Military at Marion]](../images/TH/08Marion01TH.jpg) 28th NY Military after Marion Parade |
![[Memorial serice at Nunda]](../images/TH/08Nunda04TH.jpg) Memorial Service at Oakwood Cemetery, Nunda | ![[Military Honor Guard at Nunda]](../images/TH/08Nunda03TH.jpg) Military Honor Guard Firing at Nunda | ![[28NY Drilling at Nunda]](../images/TH/08Nunda05TH.jpg) 28th NY Drilling before Nunda Parade |
![[SUV & 28NY at Nunda]](../images/TH/08Nunda02TH.jpg) SUV and 28th NY Members at Nunda | ![[SUV & 28NY at Holy Sepulchre]](../images/TH/08Memorial01TH.jpg) SUV and 28th NY at Holy Sepulchre | ![[Grave of William Brady, Oakwood cemetery, Nunda]](../images/TH/08Nunda01TH.jpg) 28th NY at grave of William Brady, Nunda. |
| Newarkfest, Newark, NY ~ June 14, 2008 |
![[Camp at Historical Society]](../images/TH/08Newarkfest01TH.jpg) Encampment at the Historical Society | ![[Miss New York and 28th New York]](../images/TH/08Newarkfest02TH.jpg) Miss New York and the 28th New York | ![[28th New York before the Parade]](../images/TH/08Newarkfest03TH.jpg) 28th New York members before the parade |
| Bedford County, Pa ~ July 2008 |
![[Kathy]](../images/TH/08Bedford01TH.jpg) Kathy Darrow | ![[Barb & Kathy]](../images/TH/08Bedford02TH.jpg) Barb & Kathy | ![[Barb & Kathy]](../images/TH/08Bedford03TH.jpg) In Bedford County |
| Independance Day Parade, Palmyra, NY ~ July 4, 2008 |
![[Civilians in the Parade]](../images/TH/08Palmyra01TH.jpg) 28th NY Civilians in the Parade | ![[Cpl Miller in Camp]](../images/TH/08Palmyra02TH.jpg) Cpl Miller in the camp | ![[Military in Parade]](../images/TH/08Palmyra03TH.jpg) 28th New York members firing during the parade |
| 145th Battle of Gettysburg, Gettysburg, Pa ~ July 3-6, 2008 |
![[C Co, 2nd Reg, 3rd Brig, 1st Div]](../images/TH/08Gettys04TH.jpg) C Company: 28NY, 136NY, 149Pa, 110Pa, 120NY and 2Vt | ![[Saturday Battle at Gettysburg]](../images/TH/08Gettys01TH.jpg) Second Days Battle at the Peach Orchard |
![[Zouaves, Irish and Italians]](../images/TH/08Gettys02TH.jpg) Zouaves, Irish and Italians in Line | ![[Union line Firing]](../images/TH/08Gettys03TH.jpg) Union Line Firing on advancing Confederates |
![[Rebel Dead After Picketts Charge]](../images/TH/08Gettys06TH.jpg) The Aftermath of Picketts Charge |
| Marilla, NY ~ July 11-13, 2008 |
![[Tent Line]](../images/TH/08Marilla02TH.jpg) Tent Line | ![[Awaiting Battle]](../images/TH/08Marilla03TH.jpg) Awaiting The battle | ![[Confederate Line]](../images/TH/08Marilla04TH.jpg) The Confederate Line |
![[Dragonfly and Bayonet]](../images/TH/08Marilla06TH.jpg) Dragonfly and Bayonet | ![[Sleeping]](../images/TH/08Marilla01TH.jpg) After Saturdays Battle | ![[Union Infantry]](../images/TH/08Marilla05TH.jpg) Union Infantry |
| Harborfest, Oswego, NY ~ July 26-27, 2008 |
![[Cleaning Weapons]](../images/TH/08Harborfest02TH.jpg) Cleaning Weapons In Military Camp | ![[Water Detail]](../images/TH/08Harborfest03TH.jpg) Corp Miller on Water Detail | ![[DUVCW Camp]](../images/TH/08Harborfest04TH.jpg) DUVCW Camp At Fort Ontario | ![[Civilian Camp]](../images/TH/08Harborfest05TH.jpg) Civilian Camp By The Parade Ground |
![[Guard Detail]](../images/TH/08Harborfest01TH.jpg) Changing of the Guard | ![[Drill]](../images/TH/08Harborfest06TH.jpg) Company Drill at the Fort | ![[Sunday Drill]](../images/TH/08Harborfest07TH.jpg) Sunday Morning Drill |
| Erie Canal Village, Rome, NY ~ August 1-3, 2008 |
![[Military Camp]](../images/TH/08Rome02TH.jpg) Military Camp at Erie Canal Village | ![[Kathy in Camp]](../images/TH/08Rome01TH.jpg) Kathy Darrow In Camp | ![[Forming for Drill]](../images/TH/08Rome06TH.jpg) Forming for Drill by the Cheese Factory |
![[Corp Taylor]](../images/TH/08Rome03TH.jpg) Corp Taylor Taking a Break | ![[Medical Scenario]](../images/TH/08Rome04TH.jpg) Medical Scenario on Sunday | ![[Refroming After Battle]](../images/TH/08Rome05TH.jpg) 28NY and 157NY Reforming After Battle |
| Hamlin Beach, Hamlin, NY ~ August 15-17, 2008 |
![[Colonels Camp]](../images/TH/08Hamlin08TH.jpg) The Colonels Camp at Hamlin Beach | ![[Wedding Honor Guard]](../images/TH/08Hamlin01TH.jpg) Honor Guard for the Wedding | ![[Military Camp]](../images/TH/08Hamlin03TH.jpg) Company Street and Lake Ontario | ![[Civilians in Camp]](../images/TH/08Hamlin04TH.jpg) 28th New York Civilians in Camp |
![[Kathy and Terry Darrow]](../images/TH/08Hamlin11TH.jpg) Kathy and Terry Darrow | ![[Bride and Groom]](../images/TH/08Hamlin12TH.jpg) Bride and Groom at the Dance | ![[In Camp]](../images/TH/08Hamlin02TH.jpg) Nate (49NY), Leland (28NY) and BJ (149Pa)
| ![[1st Platoon, Saturday]](../images/TH/08Hamlin05TH.jpg) 1st Platoon Firing during Saturdays Battle |
![[Infantry Company]](../images/TH/08Hamlin09TH.jpg) Company Line forming for Sundays Battle | ![[Fog of War]](../images/TH/08Hamlin07TH.jpg) Battle Line Lost in the Fog of War | ![[Colors]](../images/TH/08Hamlin06TH.jpg) Union & Confederate Colors on the Field | ![[Unit Photo]](../images/TH/08Hamlin10TH.jpg) 28NY, 136NY and 149Pa Unit Photo |
| Walworth, NY ~ August 23-24, 2008 |
![[Military Parade]](../images/TH/08Walworth01TH.jpg) 28th New York on Parade | ![[Civilian Parade]](../images/TH/08Walworth05TH.jpg) Barb and the kids leading the 28th | ![[In Camp]](../images/TH/08Walworth04TH.jpg) 28th New York in Camp |
![[Civilian Camp]](../images/TH/08Walworth02TH.jpg) Civilian Camp Setup at Walworth | ![[Military Setup]](../images/TH/08Walworth03TH.jpg) Military Infantry Equipment |
| CanalTown Days, Palmyra, NY ~ September 12-14, 2008 |
![[Drill Demo]](../images/TH/08Canaltown01TH.jpg) Drill Demonstration On Saturday | ![[Military Photo]](../images/TH/08Canaltown02TH.jpg) Military Photo After Drill | ![[Civilians in Parade]](../images/TH/08Canaltown03TH.jpg) 28th NY Civilians in Parade |
![[Barb in Camp]](../images/TH/08Canaltown04TH.jpg) Barb Talking to the Public | ![[Kathy in Camp]](../images/TH/08Canaltown05TH.jpg) Kathy in the Civilian Camp | ![[Unit Flags]](../images/TH/08Canaltown06TH.jpg) Unit Flags of the 28th New York |
| Angelica, NY ~ September 19-21, 2008 |
![[1st Company Street]](../images/TH/08Angelica01TH.jpg) 1st Company Camp Street | ![[Scout Activities]](../images/TH/08Angelica02TH.jpg) Scout Activities On Saturday | ![[Lt Col Darrow]](../images/TH/08Angelica03TH.jpg) Lt.Col Darrow in Camp |
![[2nd Company Saturday]](../images/TH/08Angelica04TH.jpg) 2nd Company (42Pa, 12US & 49NY) | ![[Cols Bucknam and Darrow]](../images/TH/08Angelica05TH.jpg) Colonel Bucknam and Colonel Darrow | ![[Scout Battle]](../images/TH/08Angelica06TH.jpg) Scouts forming for Battle | ![[Street Fighting]](../images/TH/08Angelica10TH.jpg) Street Fighting in Downtown Angelica |
![[Battle of Angelica]](../images/TH/08Angelica07TH.jpg) Union Line of Battle on Main Street | ![[Sunday In Camp]](../images/TH/08Angelica08TH.jpg) Part of 28th New York Company Street | ![[Union Infantry]](../images/TH/08Angelica09TH.jpg) 28, 136, 49, 155 & 94NY 149 & 42Pa, 12US |
| 144th Cedar Creek, Middletown, Va ~ October 18-19, 2008 |
![[28NY Camp Street]](../images/TH/08CedarCreek01TH.jpg) Sgt Everdyke and Cpl Spencer in camp | ![[Awaiting Battle on Saturday]](../images/TH/08CedarCreek02TH.jpg) 28th and 136th NY at Rest | ![[Artillery on the ridge]](../images/TH/08CedarCreek03TH.jpg) Artillery on the Ridge |
![[Battalion Stacked Arms]](../images/TH/08CedarCreek04TH.jpg) Battalion Stacked Arms On Saturday | ![[Line through Grass]](../images/TH/08CedarCreek09TH.jpg) 28th NY in line (Long Grass) | ![[K Company]](../images/TH/08CedarCreek05TH.jpg) 28NY & 136NY in Line |
![[Sheridan Advances]](../images/TH/08CedarCreek06TH.jpg) Union Advancing on Sunday | ![[Battle of Cedar Creek]](../images/TH/08CedarCreek07TH.jpg) Battle of Cedar Creek (Sunday) | ![[Confederate Line]](../images/TH/08CedarCreek08TH.jpg) Confederate Infantry holding the ridge |
![[v:2.09.10]](../images/editdate.jpg) |